Tuesday, July 20

Ill tell you what to do on a Tuesday: Part 6

Toby Foster - On moving and standing still - Love it!
I saw him once at ryans house and liked him but was not in a record buying mood at the time. What a bummer this shit rules! Im stoked on it and stoked on him. I dont listen to a bunch of solo acoustic stuff so I can't tell you if this is really great but I love it so sucket.

Defiance Ohio - Midwestern Minutes - Its alright -
I like this band a lot, I love their shows. I feel though that they should have stayed a three record band. This record is slower then their previous releases and their fast energetic songs lack energy. I have been spinning this disc a lot but it just doesn't compare to their other stuff. Live the songs on this record rule but recorded it just doesn't really connect with me. Maybe I'm listening to less folk punk then I used to or they are or both.

Damages - Unrequited - Love it
First of all I fucking love this band. This release may be the best 7 inch of the year thats just all I'm saying. Im bummed that it took like 3 months after the release date (I pre ordered it) for it to come to my house because of shit going wrong with the pressing and an unorganized label. Anyways best emo stuff out right now. I want this band to tour the US so I can see them as I do not have the money to go to canada just to see a band play.

Art Vanduhlay - Demo -
This band is all about references to Seinfeld, I never got into the show but for some reason I like the band a lot. The downfall of this band is that if they were serious and wrote real songs they would most likely be one of the best bands in central indiana in a few recordings. Anyways its just a summer project and they are playing their last show out of like four or five in a couple of weeks. Its super rad female fronted hardcore, everything is right on.

7/14/10 -Defiance Ohio - Loved it
This show was decently staked, shit no it was super staked, like BBQ Pringles. I love vacation, Art Vanduhlay blew me out of the water and DO was super rad! I missed the other two bands which sucked because Toby Foster is fucking great. I got to hang out with people that I have not seen in a while. This was the first night that I learned that Char Jar stopped drinking so we bonded on that fact. I spent some cash at this show on goods and what not. Every band that I watched killed it!

7/16+17/10 - Berea Fest - Loved it
This fest was unlike anything that I thought was possible to happen. First the both shows were only 5 bux each and there were a bunch of bands, Shit a bunch of rad bands. Out of all the bands there were about 5 that I have not heard of/didn't care about seeing. The rest I was either semi interested in or wanted to see hardcore. I just am still soaking the whole weekend in. I barely spoke to anyone outside of toodles but still it was a blast, I picked up a lot of records and saw a lot of bands that I most likely wont be able to see for a while. Rad times!

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