Tuesday, June 29

Ill tell you what to do on a Tuesday: Part 3

Touche Amore - June 27th - Dojo - Loved it
Starting Off I fucking love this band, when I first heard them I was hooked, even though they are from LA they have played indy at least twice this year, which is rad. The show set up was kind of awful, no flyer, two bad indy bands and a seven dollar show. The vibe of the show was weird, when off balance started to play it got worse, they didn't seem to want to play and no one really wanted to watch them. Touche Amore set up in the middle of the room because only thirty people were there. They seemed to be stoked on the show even with a little amount of people there, if they didnt like it then they were really good at faking being happy. They then played the best set of any band that I have seen this year. Seriously it was a blast. One dumb drunk beanbag tried to ruin the show by going wild when everyone else was enjoying the show and the lead singer got him to stop mid song. Im not saying that going wild is dumb but when there are only 30 people at a show its hard to keep anything going for long. Also this dude was easily 400 lbs and most people at the show were my size or smaller. I cant really handle a 200 pound dude run into me so yeah it sucked for the 20 seconds that it lasted. Anyways they finished their last song with a rad sing along and the show was over. I feel like they wont come back but i hope they do.

Comadre/Glasses 2X7 Split - Love it
The songs on this record are solid, both bands. I had no clue who glasses were before this and this is why I love splits because you get exposed to new bands. They are rad and I'm going to get some more of their shit soon. Comadre doesn't let down with material either.
I can't get over how sweet the artwork is. Its almost impossible to describe how I felt when I first checked it out, but here it is, Stoked. Raised glossy black and white font with some artistic stuff. I don't know and fancy terms but If i was deaf i would still buy it based on the artwork that rad. I wish a poster came with it, I know greedy, but its just that super rad!

Amys - Non- Dairy Cheeze pizza with rice crust - Love it
This is a lazy america classic, Frozen pizza, done well. I love the rice crust because its just a texture that I don't get with pizza so its a different experience. Although its 6 bux for a pizza that is smaller then anyones appetite. Goes well with a side of dark green veggies. This is one of the foods I tell me mom to buy when I visit the parents house for an extended time.

Yves Veggie Chorizo - Love it
I had some of this with toodles the other day. With some fake cheese this makes great quesadillas. Its spicy but not spicy enough for anyone that I normally eat with so be prepared to add some spicy salsa to it. I don't know how to describe the texture of it, kind of like halfway between sloppy joe and taco meat. Pretty solid

Gardein - BBQ Pulled Shreds - Its Alright
This was great because It was easily microwavable but the taste was pretty bland, like it needed onions or something. It was just too plain on its own which is how I ate it. I do like how the packaging said "Saucy in 2 mins." Its pretty healthy just boring. not sure if I would get it again, I would eat it again but I would spend more then two minutes making it taste decent/exciting

blackburn - Flea light - Its Alright
I got this light when I realized the light that I had sucked. The bike store dude said that it was a decent light to be seen but not if you really want to see anything at fast speeds. When I night I rarely ride fast in unlit areas anyways so I figured this would be fine for me. First things first it is better then my old light. It also is rechargeable with a usb port which is rad and convenient. It doesnt have a mount that you can put on your bike for easy take off, that is a minus. The Box says that on flash it lasts 5 hours. Mine lasted 3 hours on flash. Im kind of bummed on that as well. At least my shitty light lasted somewhere like 20 or 30 hours on flash or something. I dont know I used it a lot for 3 months and never changed the batteries. I feel like im going to forget to charge this or not get used to charging this light so it won't get used that much.

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