Tuesday, June 22

Ill tell you what to do on a Tuesday: Part 2

Last shows at the Halloween House - Liked it
Grown ups dropped off and I didn't have enough time to listen to the bands before hand to know which ones I would like. In the end I only really liked the first band, Vacation and the last band The Dopamines. People are hyping on mixtapes but I think its just because they have a really cute singer and nothing else. They were fun though as well. Even though I'm not a fan of every band Pat likes I still had a blast at this show. Its sad seeing it go after it being the thing to do for the last three years. Its like a piece of me died. Someone better open up a punk house soon!

Suffix- S/T - Love it
I have been trying to get this tape for a long time. Once tried getting it from the band, Once tried doing a trade with the label, I have some money now so I finally got a copy of it. It's a blast, I love duel vocals and I love male/female duel vocals. The artwork is pretty sweet but the tape lacks lyrics which is a bummer. I have yet to see this band IRL and I doubt that I will ever but this tape is going to be in my rotation for a long time.
Vacation Tape - The Do Shit Tape - Love it
When I learned that the read broke up I was bummed out completely, it was like having a dog get hit by a car. You knew that you could have had fun with it for at least three more years but now you can't. Anyways this is the new bike haus band that Jerry still does lead singing in. I'm stoked on them so fucking much. I remember my roommate getting the demo cd and trying to play it for me but I refused because I loved the read so much. I think im going to go to cincin very soon to see them again.

Nate's Classic Flavor Meatless Meatballs - like it
Whoa its been almost four years since I had some meatballs and I really was not super hyped on them in the first place. But I was in the store and looking for something that new to eat so I can spice up my boring cooking. These meatballs taste like most fake meats, so more like super fake cafeteria food then what you would remember tasting. You have to be reasonably gentle with them because they crumble easily. I ate them with my favorite sauce, spices and sweet peppers so it tasted great. Like most vegan fakes don't eat them plain unless you want to be disappointed.

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