Tuesday, June 15

Ill tell you what to do on a Tuesday: Part 1

Dopamines Record Relase : Loved It
This show was stacked of local CinCinners, Dopamine's, Vacation
Till Plains, Frankl Project and Mixtapes. My love/excitement
went to the first three bands mentioned. The show was filled
with friendship all around, The bands were all friend and our car
pool to the show was filled with inside jokes and memorable times
This was one the first times in a long time that I had a blast from
the beginning to the end of the show. All the bands killed it.
I fucking love Till Plains

Waxeater 7inch Release: Liked It
The bands brought it, So did the weather. Tornado close by or
something thirty minutes before the show. Not having been to a
show in bloomington in a while I now remember why I always
pick indy over it when it comes to shows. I fucking loved the
bands but no one in bloomington likes to move. I'm pretty sure
bloomingdudes need to be wasted to get crazy and a local show in
the summer at a venue there is little chance. I had a blast but I
just wished people would move.

Off With Their Heads/Dear Landlord: Was Alright
My power was flickering at my house so I wasn't sure if I would be
without power at night for the second day in a row. I'm not a fan
of any of the bands that played and some were just nothing close
to my music taste. I watched the bands but still wouldn't listen to
any of them outside a show, I did though have some fun with
friends so that was worth eight dollars right? Right?

Dopamines - Expect the Worst - Like it
I honestly have not given this enough rotations yet to say that I
love it. I know that I will once I get familiar with the tracks.
Solid shit from them and they are becoming one of my favorite
bands in the area even though there are one of the only pop punk
bands I listen to.
Till Plains - Nails Mountain - Love it
Fuck! This has been out for like half a year where was I? I fucking
love this band and this faux 7 inch keeps my romancing a going.
After I listened to it i was like fuck I have to book them in Indy now
Four songs, Killer. Can't wait for them to do a full length.

Waxeater - Sleeper - Love it
The bad thing about being friends with bands is that you get their
release way before it has been released then when it finally does
get released its hard to write what you initially felt about it. Let
me try to go back and time and tell you how I got blown away.
James came over with his walkman or ipod thing and showed me
a track off the record. Having someone tell you what you think of
a record is always awkward when they are right there and I was
listening to it on headphones while cooking lunch. Anyways I
paused my shit and got fucked up on how rad the track was. I
wanted to go directly to my room, lock the door and listen to it in
peace. So a few days later I got the tracks from Rob and did that.
Stoked on it then, stoked on it now. Now its on Cd and the
artwork is excellent.

Waxeater/Jabberjosh - On Deck - Love it
This is my release what do you want me to say about it? Its great
buy it so I can put out more. Honestly this is the best sounding
thing that Useless World has done and I think that the cover art
is the best as well. Two tracks. I'm so happy that Waxeater
exposed me to Jabberjosh, great dudes, great band.

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